Letters to my girls!

When I think about this blog and the purpose...I wanted to do it for two reasons. Number one to document milestones (because my memory is not always at its best) and two for the girls to have something for their earliest memories. I have decided to change the format to letters to my girls. That way when they read it, they will know it is coming from my heart!

Dear Savannah,
Your wonderful big sister is sleeping and we have been playing. You are such a happy girl. You are really interested now in putting shapes into the bucket of the shape sorter. You normally don't like ANYONE to take ANYTHING from you. Today you were passing the shape back and forth to me. You seem really interested in baby sign language and laughed as I said/signed please and thank you! If you dropped it you picked it up and put it in my two hands held out. You are moving all around the floor and getting better at coordinating your limbs for crawling. You have the motion and can move a couple of "crawls." Those two little teeth you have are sooooo sharp. You are loving most of the food you are eating - sweet potatoes, avocado, banana, nectarine...peas...not so much yet. You do seem REALLY interested in food everyone else has in their hands. Your hands are quick - Daddy calls it the "cobra strike." You love the swing at the playground and squeal in pure delight!

Love you lots,

Dear Maya,
While you are acting a little bit "three years old," you melt my heart on a daily basis. We went on a really long walk today and you are probably one of the only toddlers who will happily ride in a stroller at your age...of course the "carrots" that I dangle in front of you help. We walked to Dunkin Donuts and you had chocolate munchkins (though you asked for plain), then we went to the pond and saw the mommy duck with her 9 babies, you happily sang as we strolled back home, and we stopped at a park that you loved at Coolidge School. Not that school is out for the summer we can play there during the weekdays. You are getting so brave at trying new things on the play structures. You love that big red swing and it is fun to watch you "chillin and uh-laxing." One of my favorite things about you is how you always want to include your sister in things. You make sure that you both get the same amount of attention (for the most part). I also love your pretend play. You have a wonderful imagination. Today you were acting out a story that we have been readind fromt he library about Doctor Meow and her helping Tom Cat after he fell out of a tree. You fell asleep in the stroller and are sleeping peacefully right now.
Love you lots,

June 17, 2011

Snipits of car conversation with Maya yesterday...
"Look a tractor. Mommy tell me if you see five tractors."
"Look a fire hydrant."
"A motorcycle (her favorite)." followed seconds later by "Look a Jeep!"
That isn't even the half of it. I don't even listen to the radio anymore because she keeps me entertained! However, I am deeply concerned about her love and motorcycles because there seems to be a gene in our family!

Ohhhhh....Mommy I love your pocketbook. It looks pretty!

June 3, 2011

Tooth number two for Savannah (bottom right)!

I made chicken tonight for dinner...exciting I know! I said to Maya, "I am going to make some chicken you will really like." Maya said, "Oooohhhh that sounds really yummy!" She has told me before I am a really good cooker! What will I do when she find out the truth!