Christmas 2009

We had such a nice time with family. Maya takes a little bit to warm up in groups and it especially stinks when she wakes up in a totally new place with lots of hustle and bustle. She seems to get a bit overwhelmed, but luckily she doesn't stay that way for long. It was fun to watch her interact with everyone and of course open presents. She was certainly spoiled! Cowboy boots and all!

Waiting for Christmas to Come

Maya loves Dinosaur Train. It is a very cute show and you could do anything to her because she becomes so engaged that she turns into jello. Makes diaper changes a little easier, too.

She is a generally happy girl. I imagine here I was taking too many pictures, but it is hard not to sometimes! She is very expressive and definitely lets you know how she feels.

Playing in the Snow - December 20th

We had a nice snowy Sunday with Daddy home. Maya loved the snow and was not very pleased when I decided for her that she was cold and tired. She had so much fun walking around and sliding down the snow slide that Daddy made for her!

Shape Sorter

Maya has been learning to put her shapes in the shape sorter. Not too bad for 14 months. Thanks, Grandma Cig!

What's up?

It took about 40 pictures to get the Christmas card shots. The cards are ordered and will hopefully be in the mail soon!

What's new this week?
Grandma taught Maya how to get her shapes into the shape sorter and how to kick a ball. She is understanding and saying more and more words. Today I told her to give her baby kisses and she came right over and gave her a kiss. Then she got her baby's bottle and said, "ba ba" and pretended to feed her. She also thinks it is hysterical to make the baby clap...I was amazed to see her do that. She is big into putting and taking off covers of things. I am little worried about her temper. One day she slightly bumped herself on the doorjamb and she proceeded to strangle and yell at it. The school psychologist I work with says that this is normal..crossing my fingers about that. We are very lucky though she is basically a happy, even tempered kid...let's hope she stays that way! Maya will be 15 months on Friday. Hard to believe!

Two Peas in a Pod

While Daddy and Uncle Mike were away, we celebrated Uncle Joe's birthday just the three of us. It was nice. We had some lunch and an ice cream cake...I think I am getting closer to replicating Carvel crunchies! Maya of course stole Uncle Joe's hat and he couldn't believe that she knew how to put it on backwards!

Fun at 14 Months

I probably say every age is the best age, but wow is 14 months a boat load of fun. It is fascinating to see how her mind works. She just loves hats and putting them on herself. Is she designing next years Halloween costume? She did this all on her own. She loves Dancing with the Stars! Bathtime is so much fun. Here she is imitating me laughing!