Maya turns 2!

Wow...where did the past two years go! Maya is two! Maya and I had a relaxing day on her birthday and went to a local park to take some pictures.

We had a small party for her on the next day and she loved her Elmo cake and all her presents. She had so much fun!

Her language and articulation have totally blossomed over the past month or so especially. I laugh at so many things she says....

"I love football" while watching a recent Patriots game... unless Dan has trained her behind my back this was completely unprovoked.

"I don't think so" with the sweetest little melody in her voice in a variety of contexts....example 1: "Daddy toot toot. I don't think so!" or "Elmo fall down. Elmo is okay? I don't think so!" I know where she gets this!

"Hoo hoo haa haa. I a monkey." So funny...out of the blue."

She seems to change everyday....I need to blog more so I can remember all these details. Her brother or sister is soon to arrive. I just loves the way she hugs and kisses my belly and says, "hi baby." She cracks me up when out of the blue she points to my belly and says, "baby move" or "big belly."

September already!?!?

Wow! August flew by. We did have lots of fun down the Cape and finally got back to Block Island for the first time since Maya was born. We usually go to Block Island in September for our anniversary, but I knew traveling might not be on the agenda much longer. We had a great time! See links for pictures.We had some fun day trips to Davis Farmland and the Ecotarium with friends! We went to birthday parties and playdates! It was a busy month, but fun! Maya tried finger painting for the first time to make a creative gift for Grandpa's birthday. (aka "Rah Pa"). She loves to color and will ask anyone and everyone to draw Elmo one thousand times -big Elmos, little Elmos, baby Elmos! She is starting to talk up a storm. She loves to play hide and seek games and it too cute when she says, "you surpise me."

Maya has a style of her own and she loves accessories...boy are we in trouble when she starts dressing herself which isn't that far away. Just tonight she must have spent at least 5 minutes trying to connect a zipper before asking for help. Here are some of her self-designed accesorization (if that is a word).