Maya's Dream Ride

Nearly 19 pounds of cuteness

Savannah just had her six month check-up and she is healthy as can be! She is 26 1/4 inches long, her head is 43.5 centimeters, and weighed 18.8 pounds.

March Highlights

St. Patrick's Day: It was the most beautiful day we saw for a while. We went to storytime at the Library (after Mommy got pulled over -apparently my foot was as happy as I felt about the weather - so embarassing - luckily it only got me a warning). Then we met Daddy at Dean Park for a walk and to walk on the playground all sporting green of course!

Trip to Connecticut:
We enjoyed our first weekend away as a family to gear up for our long trip next week to the Carolinas. It was such a fun weekend with friends! Plus Maya has started to learn her chess pieces. She fell in love with the dogs and it was just a beautiful weekend all around (despite some sleeping difficulties).

Time flies by!

Wow, so I am seriously behind in posting on this blog. My main goal is for the girls to have something to remember cute and wonderful things when my memory fails it already does most of the time! So, I hate that I am behind. I wish time didn't fly by and I didn't need to do thinks like clean and do laundry in my little free time.

It is hard to believe that Maya just turned 2 1/2 and Savannah is 6 months tomorrow. Maya is talking up a storm and I can't help but marvel when she says things like, "Oh no. I forgot to show Daddy's friends my little sister." This was after Dan's hockey game, which she of course loved watching and cheering her Daddy on. She is sweet and helpful with only a few moments of challenging behaviors here and there...which is usually more because Mommy is tired and impatient sometimes. She is loving coloring and currently drawing these amazing faces with eyes, a nose, mouth, hair, legs, arms, and ears. She often says who it is or she will say, I don't know who that is." I love her little speech errors like "puddle muds" instead of mud puddles. I love when she imitates things I say like, "Ya, Mommy, my teeth ARE bugging me." She loves people and animals and remembers so many names. Best of all she loves her little sister to pieces. Her memory is so amazing to me.

Savannah is a joy just like her middle name. She can sit up independently on a few surfaces and is so close to fully meeting that milestone. She coos, shrieks, gurgles, and does anything she can to get your attention and to communicate. It is so fun to watch Maya and Savannah communicate with each other. So much love...I hope it stays that way always. Savannah is pretty even tempered it seems so far. She seems to be getting ready for a tooth or much drool and mouthing things. Toys are fun for her now and she loves to hold them, play with them, and eat them of course. She has the best laugh and smile...she is so ticklish, too. The deliciously rolly and I have seen yet!

Two best things to happen to me....after Dan of course!