Water fun! (June)

While Maya does like her new pool, she doesn't seem to like to immerse herself in cold water. She did love the sprinkler, but we will have to work on the cold water part.

Boy Crazy Already?

So, we had a play date with Sara and Will the other day. They definitely had fun judging from the laughter. Maya just wanted to give Will big hugs ("bi hu") and would tackle him to the ground and they just were running and laughing.

Funny things kids say and do!

Maya's love affair with hats and shoes continues....doesn't matter whose shoes and she can make anything be a hat...this one would work if she had to bunny ears. And yes she does this herself!

As if it isn't funny enough that she actually says, "ummmm" and "hmmm" with a pointer finger to her mouth.....I couldn't help but last when I first heard her say, All aboard," when watching Dinosaur Train. She adds and "ey" to many words which cracks me up because we are not an "ey" family (aka adding the "ey" sound to the end of words that don't end with it). We talk to Maya in a regular voice with regular words insted of baby talk. However, it is totally a normal speech pattern for kids to do and it is just too cute.

Funny other things she says right now:

Pees Mama/Dada = Please Mama/Dada
"Oh hi!"
"Happy?" = What happened?
"Bi Hu" = Big Hug
"La La Elmo Wor" = I want to watch Elmo's World"
"Mo Hummy" = More hummus
"pie appo" = pineapple
"pitzey" = pizza
"smoobu" = smoothie
"dogba" = dog
"papa" = puppy
Unko Do/Unko Mikey = Uncle Joe/Uncle Mike
The list goes on...so fun for me to watch what seems to be normal development so far.

Another cute thing this month is Maya and my enormous Belly. We talk about the baby and she says, "hi baby" and gives my belly hugs and kisses. I know she doesn't understand, but it is so cute.